I mentioned in a previous post a contentious plan to establish a cement plant on a block neighboring Red Hook's organic Added Value Farm, IKEA, the Erie Basin Park, bike tracks and the proposed Brooklyn Greenway route, the Red Hook Ballfields and other recreational fields close to the Red Hook Pool.
A group of residents and community groups, including Red Hook Civic Association, the Red Hook Tenant's Associations, Added Value, Red Hook Initiative, Red Hook Latin Association and local businesses are organizing a protest to show their opposition to this development - particularly because of it's proximity to these seemingly incompatible and already established activities (anyone want cement dust with their organic greens?), and also because of the impact 25 - 30 more trucks per day will have on pollution and congestion in our neighborhood, and the resultant adverse health impacts all of these activities may have, especially considering Red Hook's already high asthma rates.
Please click on the image of the flier, above, to see the details and location of the protest. Also, please click on the map below to get a clear idea of where this plant is being proposed (in red) and it's neighboring sites. The protest will be held on the corner of Halleck and Columbia Streets (see map's red marker) - this Saturday, September 12th at 12:30pm.
People are also being encouraged to call Council Member Sara Gonzalez (Ph: 718 858-6782) to urge her to support this protest.
View Proposed Cement Plant in a larger map
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